ORIGIN: specific treatment of selected waste of inorganic origin, consisting primarily of bottom ash from the incineration of municipal solid waste.
PRODUCTION PROCESS: Matrix Standard® is obtained through specific treatment of selected waste of inorganic origin, consisting primarily of bottom ash from the incineration of municipal solid waste. After undergoing various crushing, comminution, screening and iron and metal removal processes, the product takes on the appearance of a granular material with a grain size ranging from 0 to 12 mm. At the end of these treatments, Matrix is stockpiled in dedicated storage areas for approximately ninety days, during which a particular ageing process takes place, called litho-stabilisation, improving the product’s technical and environmental characteristics.
TYPE OF PRODUCT: Matrix Standard® is a secondary raw material used in the production of cement and cement products.
APPEARANCE: a grey granular material.
GRAIN SIZE: ranging from 0 to 12 mm
COMPOSITION: similar to a natural aggregate, consisting mostly of clay and moderate amounts of lime, with the quality and quantity of macro-components remaining largely stable.
Matrix Standard

AG Matrix

ORIGIN: specific treatment of selected waste of inorganic origin, consisting of bottom ash from the incineration of municipal solid waste.
PRODUCTION PROCESS: AGMatrix® is obtained through specific treatment of waste of inorganic origin, consisting of bottom ash from the incineration of municipal solid waste. After undergoing various crushing, comminution, screening, iron and metal removal and wet refining processes, the product takes on the appearance of a granular material with a grain size ranging from 2 to 10 mm.
TYPE OF PRODUCT: AGMatrix® is a secondary raw material used as an aggregate in the production of concrete, concrete products and cement-bound mixtures.
APPEARANCE: a grey granular material.
GRAIN SIZE: ranging from 2 to 10 mm.
COMPOSITION: similar to a natural aggregate, consisting mostly of silica and moderate amounts of lime, with the quality and quantity of macro-components remaining largely stable.
Sand Matrix

ORIGIN: recovery of bottom ash from the incineration of municipal solid waste.
PRODUCTION PROCESS: Sand Matrix® is obtained through specific treatment of waste of inorganic origin, consisting of bottom ash from the incineration of municipal solid waste. After undergoing various crushing, comminution, screening and iron and metal removal processes, the product takes on the appearance of a sandy material.
TYPE OF PRODUCT: Sand Matrix® is a secondary raw material used in the production of cement, brick blocks, premixed mortars, cement products, cement-bound mixtures and bituminous conglomerates.
APPEARANCE: a grey granular sand.
GRAIN SIZE: generally marketed in the grain sizes 0-2 mm, 0-4 mm and 2-4 mm.
COMPOSITION: similar to a natural sand, consisting mostly of clay and moderate amounts of lime, with the quality and quantity of macro-components remaining largely stable.