Officina dell’Ambiente’s core business is closely related to the mission of a series of opinion-leading parties that are actively involved in the development and promotion of environmental sustainability, green building and product recycling.
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In this respect, Officina dell’Ambiente is a member of and has been cooperating since 2013 with Green Building Italia, an international non-profit organisation aiming to promote and accelerate the spreading of a sustainable building culture through the LEED certification. GBC seeks to lead the transformation of the market by raising the awareness of stakeholders on the positive impacts that improved building design and construction standards would have on quality of life, defining clear reference parameters for industry operators and promoting exchange and interaction in a large sustainable-building community.

As to the promotion of recycled-content products, Officina dell’Ambiente is a member of ReMade in Italy®, a non-profit association set up by different institution among which also Regione Lombardia, which, in 2013, became responsible for the first accredited certification scheme in Italy for the verification of recycled content in products, a useful tool that is made available to companies to promote their products on the Italian and international markets and gain access to the Green Public Procurement (GPP) sector. ReMade in Italy® provides a qualified context for a continuous dialogue between circular economy companies and institutions.

Another prestigious cooperation is that between Officina dell’Ambiente and Edo Ronchi’s Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Sustainable Development Foundation). The object of the Foundation’s activities is to push the Green Economy as the key cornerstone for a sustainable development. The Foundation promotes combined solutions for the climate and economic crises, seeking to pursue a greater quality of life and increased inclusiveness, while protecting natural assets and eco-system services, in an effort to make economic recovery more solid and sustainable over time.

SITEB is the only association in Italy representing the sector of bituminous conglomerates for road construction and counts approximately 300 members (enterprises, public authorities and independent engineers), involved in the design, construction, inspection and maintenance of roads. Officina dell’Ambiente is listed under Category F (Tarmac Products) and takes part in the research and promotion activities conducted by the association on recycled materials in relation to bituminous conglomerate applications.

ANPAR is a national trade association whose mission is that of spreading a culture of recycling of inert waste, promoting quality in recycled aggregates through CE marking and combating unregulated production. For a few years now, ANPAR has also been working in the field of MSW incineration bottom ash recovery – a line of activity in which Officina dell’Ambiente is closely involved – through technical roundtables and conferences, as well as topic-specific cultural exchanges at a European level.